My OS MinGW cross-compiler

I’m still testing out a few options of cross-compilers. This time I’ve built a MinGW cross-compiler for i786 ELF format binaries. As I’ve been pointed out – MinGW does not have any dependencies on external libraries (like Cygwin) and it does not have problems with DOS paths (like Cygwin, which I could not force to …

I’m writing my own OS, intermission (updated)

Holly jumping Jesus … I just got my 15 minutes of shame/fame over the internet. I linked my “just write down what you’re thinking” blog post on and somehow it got posted on Hacker News and from there … Shit just hit the fan. It seems that writing “I’m writing my own OS” as a blog title can …

I’m writing my own OS, part 2 (updated)

I had a philosophical introduction previously about my idea of writing “My own OS”, now it’s time to do some real coding. In this part I’ll roll out a Master Boot Record (MBR), that will load a Kernel from disk (actually, I’m going to port an existing solution to Visual Studio environment). First i’ll start …

What’s wrong with jQuery UI?

In overall, jQuery and jQuery UI are really great. As for the former, and speaking purely in subjective terms, it’s the best thing that has happened to the web. But with great power comes great responsibility, so this post is about where jQuery UI team is making a mess. First let’s talk about release cycle – …

99 problems, but the web ain’t one.

I’ve been working in the web development for, what, 8-10 years now. I’ve seen it transition from Netscape to Internet Explorer standards, I’ve seen it done in tables and I was there when everything suddenly went into div soup. I’ve seen some nasty CSS cheats I was there on the advent of JavaScript frameworks – …